Workshops & Webinars

The core of Tällberg’s activities are conversations among experts and non-experts aimed at provoking“New Thinking for a New World”.

Thinking for a New World

Since the Tällberg Foundation is fundamentally nomadic, these conversations are held wherever they raise the likelihood of generating new insights—ranging from discussions about climate at research stations on the deep ice in Greenland to explorations of disruptive technologies at university labs in New York and Cambridge, MA to discussions about migration in Lesvos and Tangiers. Of course, they are also held online, with input from Fellows, laureates and others.

Recent events

A Virtual Film Screening and a Panel Discussion

A Virtual Film Screening and a Panel Discussion

You Are Invited to a Virtual Film Screening of the Long Walk of Carlos Guerrero and a Panel Discussion on November 5th. Mass migration of people in search of better lives is one of the defining issues of our time. Whether fleeing war, gang violence, natural disasters,...

The Power of Trees – An Arbornaut’s View of the Planet

The Power of Trees – An Arbornaut’s View of the Planet

On June 11, 2024, renowned arbornaut Meg Lowman captivated an audience with a compelling presentation on the power of trees. The event, hosted by Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning in Vermont, began with a presentation showcasing her groundbreaking work in...

Workshop: Thinking About Sustainability

Workshop: Thinking About Sustainability

One of the most over-used, and under-defined words in conversations about the challenges generated by climate change is undoubtedly “sustainability.” That’s not new; in 1987, the United Nations Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the...

Webinar: Closing the Migrant Education Gap

Webinar: Closing the Migrant Education Gap

Watch the Tällberg conversation ‘Closing the Migrant Education Gap’. An expert panel, including Caroline Kronley, President of the Tinker Foundation; Lala Lovera, Founder of Fundación Comparte Por Una Vida, Colombia; and Pashtana Durrani, Co-founder and Managing...



The Tällberg Foundation launched its new mentoring program during 25-28 January 2024, at the University of Pavia. Tällberg Leaders Mentoring Leaders matches emerging leaders from a wide range of countries and disciplines with equally diverse established leaders in a...

Leadership in a World, Disrupted

Leadership in a World, Disrupted

In June, 2023, the Tällberg Foundation and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) organized a gathering of past winners and honorees of the Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize in Athens, Greece. With support from SNF, the meeting aimed to stimulate fresh...

Winners Celebrations

Winners Celebrations

The celebration of six extraordinary leaders with the courage, wisdom, creativity and values to operate in--and try to improve--a global world beset by challenges that too many others find overwhelming. Two truly inspiring ninety-minute sessions, first with our...

The U.S. Midterms: What happened? What next?

The U.S. Midterms: What happened? What next?

The US elections are (almost) over. Now the United States and the world can look forward to a divided government, another Trump campaign, a supposedly resurgent Biden—and endless politicking. What does it all mean? Watch the recorded post-election webinar with former...

Webinar: The Future of Europe at a Time of Crisis

Webinar: The Future of Europe at a Time of Crisis

Did you miss the webinars? Here you can watch Part I and Part II *** Part I was recorded on October 27 with speakers, Jakob Hallgren, the Director of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs and Ana Palacio the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain. ***...

The Great Restart

The Great Restart

The Tällberg Foundation hosted a workshop in Vamvakou, Greece on May 7 - 8, 2022. The workshop program centered on two full days of conversation about how to get from where we are as the pandemic loosens its grip to where we need to be as a functioning, global...

Watch the webinar “War!”

Watch the webinar “War!”

Most of us thought the war in the Balkans would be the last conflict in Europe; the last time that armies would invade, civilians dies and borders changed by force. We were wrong. A revanchist Russia, led by President Putin, is trying to redraw borders, roll back...

What does it take to be a leader today?

What does it take to be a leader today?

Watch the interactive, virtual celebration of the 2021 Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize winners. The program combines interviews with the winners, roundtable conversations about leadership, and COP26. Participating are the four extraordinary winners of...

Webinar: Save the Seas

Webinar: Save the Seas

Do you care about the future of the oceans? Are you worried that pollution, acidification and warming of the seas could transform the planet as much as—maybe more than what’s happening to the rainforests? Watch the conversation recorded on November 16 with...

Are we really all in this together?

Are we really all in this together?

The global pandemic was a test of the proposition that global problems not only need global solutions, but that if the crisis is big enough, then those global solutions will be forthcoming. If so, we failed and—as the pandemic continues to roil countries, ruin lives,...

Join the Webinar: Sustainable Democracy?

Join the Webinar: Sustainable Democracy?

A panel of young leaders from Hungary, Venezuela, Poland and South Sudan, who are on the front lines of fighting for real, sustainable democracy, will discuss what they have learned in their struggles and how we can make the forces for good governance more muscular....

Do you believe in Magic?

Do you believe in Magic?

Our world is a mess. Pandemic, recession, accelerating climate change, refugees frustrated in their search for better lives, political frustration spilling into the streets: stress and distress are almost everywhere. What can we do—as individuals and as leaders—to...

US decline or US reset?

US decline or US reset?

It matters to all of us whether the United States is in terminal decline or just going through one of those bouts of madness and self-doubt that, from time to time, seem almost to overwhelm America’s better angels.  This is more than just a challenge match between...

Climate change during — and after—Covid

Climate change during — and after—Covid

In this conversation we considered Climate Change during — and after—Covid. We were joined by Tomas Anker Christensen, Denmark’s Climate Ambassador; Daniel Martinez-Valle, Chief Executive Officer of Orbia, a Mexico based global company; and Mogens Lykketoft, Danish...

What is the state of the union?

What is the state of the union?

Has the American dream become an American carnage? The  Covid-19 epidemic has laid bare many pre-existing fissures and deep distress in American society.  Can the exhausted majority reassert itself through this crisis?  Will the epidemic focus minds on a culture of...

Recordings from Webinars

Recordings from Webinars

Webinar: Disruptive Technologies: Good, Bad and Ugly Recording from Wednesday May 6, 2020 A panel of innovation leaders will discuss their efforts to create new technologies and new solutions to some of the challenges of our times–and what could go wrong, even when...

Webinar: Global Order Amidst Global Disorder

Webinar: Global Order Amidst Global Disorder

The global architecture built in the late 1940s served mankind well. Yet the global system has evolved: Cold War, the United States as the sole superpower, the emergence of China and today’s hodgepodge of multiple power centers. What’s next—and what might be in...

Webinar: Disruptive Technologies: Good, Bad and Ugly

Webinar: Disruptive Technologies: Good, Bad and Ugly

A panel of innovation leaders will discuss their efforts to create new technologies and new solutions to some of the challenges of our times–and what could go wrong, even when innovators have the best intentions. Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 8am New York, 2pm...

Will leaders be driven by values in times of crisis and panic?

Will leaders be driven by values in times of crisis and panic?

We are joined by Ambassador Jan Eliasson, Shahidul Alam and Sitawa Namwalie to talk about values.  At this moment of crisis and panic, if countries, companies, religions and other organizations—but, most importantly, their leaders—aren’t driven by universal, human...

Will democracy be another casualty of Covid-19?

Will democracy be another casualty of Covid-19?

Democracy and democratic institutions were under severe pressure well before the novel Coronavirus appeared. Could the added burden of the pandemic break the back of democracy as we have known it? How worried should we be by governments proclaiming wartime powers and...

Window on the current pandemic

Window on the current pandemic

Anne Goldfeld, 2019 Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leadership Prize winner, a clinician and a medical doctor with long experience—in the lab and on the front lines of care—with epidemics hosted this conversation with the Tällberg/SNF Fellows. That experience will provide us...

How do we protect our neural identities?

How do we protect our neural identities?

In this conversation, we focus on our brains, with Rafael Yuste, Columbia University professor of biological sciences (and much more) as well as a 2018 Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leader.  He talks about his work and his deep concern about protecting each of our neural...

A Conversation with Rafa Yuste

A Conversation with Rafa Yuste

On January 31, 2018 Winner, Rafa Yuste, hosted a group from the Tällberg Foundation network for a tour of his lab, a presentation of key aspects of his research, and a discussion of the profound ethical implications of the current explosion of knowledge about the...

Tällberg Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya

Tällberg Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya

Tällberg in Kenya – New Thinking for a New World The Tällberg Foundation, launched in 1981, exists to provoke thinking—and action based on thinking— about the issues that are challenging the evolution of liberal democracies. Those challenges are profound: the world...

Tällberg Workshop in Cairo, Egypt

Tällberg Workshop in Cairo, Egypt

We live at a time of profound changes in global and regional political structures, real time climate change, increasingly disruptive technologies (whose potential—good or bad—beggar the imagination), and collapsing trust in leaders as well as in institutions. Too many...

Thought experiments

Thought experiments

Answer: The Tällberg Foundation’s recent workshop, “Inside Every Utopia is Dystopia,” which was hosted by Fio Omenetto at Silk Lab at Tufts University in Boston, on January 17th. Prominent scientists—including two recent winners of the foundation’s Eliasson Global...

A Tällberg Workshop in Mexico City

A Tällberg Workshop in Mexico City

Our daily news feeds tell the story of a transformational time: Trade and financial sanctions picking apart long established global supply chains; Voters increasingly choosing anti-establishment candidates in rejection of the centrist politics of more than half a...



The 21st Century is quickly evolving into an era defined by global disruption, as socio-economic changes and groundbreaking technological advancements are seemingly having a major impact and are turning upside down standard modes of operation, models and assumptions...

Can we Bend the Arc in the Age of Migration?

Can we Bend the Arc in the Age of Migration?

In March, 2016 the Tällberg Foundation convened a workshop on the Greek island of Lesvos to explore the dynamics of mass migration under the flag of “A Clash of Civilizations.” Instead of a “clash”—or, for that matter, much “civilization”—we experienced the horrific,...

Leadership in the 21st Century

Leadership in the 21st Century

Leadership in the 21st Century: “The times, they are a-changin’ ” November 28-29, 2017 New York, USA It’s been more than half a century since Bob Dylan first sang the words that became an anthem for the turbulent 60s, an era when “revolution” or, at least...

To Lead or Not to Lead?

To Lead or Not to Lead?

The Tällberg Foundation has a history of recognizing and engaging pathfinding leaders who are seeking to make a difference in an increasingly complicated global environment. We believe that the times demand leaders who rethink assumptions, imbue their work in a deep...

Clash of Civilizations?

Clash of Civilizations?

The Tällberg Workshop on Lesvos. Clash of Civilizations? March 2016 As at all Tällberg Foundation meetings, the goal of this workshop was to question and explore, without prejudice, the dynamics of an issue which has enormous consequences not only for the refugees...

Learning journey to Greenland

Learning journey to Greenland

EGRIP ( is an international project and the EGRIP camp, established during the summer of 2015, is in the center of the East Greenland ice stream and is the successor to a multiyear science program. Dr. Dorthe Dahl Jensen from the...

Everything old is new: power in the 21st century

Everything old is new: power in the 21st century

Tällberg Workshop in Helsinki, Finland Everything old is new: power in the 21st century Tällberg Workshop in Helsinki June 2015 For years the tension has been growing between the obvious need to address issues beyond the reach of national politicians—like climate...

What’s leadership got to do with it?

What’s leadership got to do with it?

What’s leadership got to do with it? in Stockholm, Sweden November 2015 We considered  leadership from a number of perspectives and guiding questions: What are the new questions being asked of leaders today? What do we need to understand, identify and cultivate in the...

Bridging gaps and crossing borders

Bridging gaps and crossing borders

TechCamp Scandinavia – Bridging gaps and crossing borders, which will be held in Malmö, Sweden on October 1- 2, 2015. The evolving dynamics of identity, culture and communication are essential to the development of democratic, open and free societies. The media,...



The Tällberg Workshop at CERN (TW@C) aimed to explore the implications for mankind and society of the accelerating pace of evolution, in all its dimensions: the cosmos, the planet, homo sapiens, technology, and social organization. We live in a fracturing world where...

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