“Malala Fund has a very, very simple philosophy…the right of every citizen to have 12 years of safe, quality, and free education available to them.”...
Presenting the 2021 Prize Jury and Pre-Jury
LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP IN A POST-PANDEMIC WORLD As the worst of the pandemic starts to recede, it is leaving a mess: not just the millions of dead,...
Girls, Interrupted
Dr. Maliha Khan, one of the leaders of the Malala Fund, talks about how the pandemic has made the goal "all girls, everywhere should have free,...
‘The Fortune You Seek is in Another Cookie’
“If China can rise smoothly to the top of the world without firing a single bullet, it will certainly be able to claim the moral high ground. This...
Leadership Special: Nithya Ramanathan, Engineer working to improve human health with sensory intelligence
Today’s world is short of a lot of things—sustainable environment, peace, prosperity, equality—but what we lack most is innovative, global,...
Join the Webinar: Sustainable Democracy?
A panel of young leaders from Hungary, Venezuela, Poland and South Sudan, who are on the front lines of fighting for real, sustainable democracy,...
The Chinese Puzzle
What does China—or, more particularly China’s leadership and the Chinese Communist Party— want from the rest of the world? Domination or...
For Every Child
“I do fear we will look back on the disruption caused by the pandemic on children's education—which has been at unprecedented scale, length and...
Social Media, Social Discord
“What we've seen happening is the acceleration of the spread of hate, based on political leadership, on political conversation, on groups who have...