Leadership Special: Jan Eliasson, Former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

May 12, 2021

The Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize is named in honor of Jan Eliasson, one of the most accomplished global diplomats of our era. In this special episode, Jan discusses how great leaders can change everything.

Jan Eliasson (Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish and international diplomat. He most recently served as the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations from 
1 July 2012 to 31 December 2016. He was elected President of the United Nations General Assembly, for its sixtieth session 2005-2006. Eliasson has also served as Swedish State Secretary for Foreign Affairs from 1994 to 2000 and as Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2006.

Previously, he was a UN mediator in the Iran/Iraq conflict, in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and in Darfur, Sudan, and active for the UN in countries such as Somalia, Mozambique and the Balkans. He has a profound interest in water issues, in particular for the developing world, and was the first chairman of Water Aid, Sweden.

The Swedish Government has appointed ambassador Jan Eliasson from June 1, 2017 as the new Chairman of the SIPRI Governing Board.

Today’s world is short of a lot of things—sustainable environment, peace, prosperity, equality—but what we lack most is innovative, global, values-based leadership. If we can find and nurture that kind of leadership, the rest will follow.

The Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize named in honor of Jan Eliasson, one of the most accomplished global diplomats of our era. In this special episode, Jan and Alan Stoga, chairman of the Tällberg Foundation discuss how great leaders can change everything.

What can you do? Take Jan’s call to action seriously and, then, nominate someone who deserves to win the leadership prize this year. Nominate your candidate here: https://tallberg-snf-eliasson-prize.org/nominate/

Music: “Without You” by Oxime © 2021. Permissions granted courtesy of Oxime Audio https://www.oxime-audio.com/


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