There is mounting evidence that the pandemic is generating a global mental health crisis. How do we cope with the results? Dr. Jonathan DePierro and...
Online Conversation: Long COVID
International health expert and physician Dr. Kees Rietveld worries that instead of a fast exit from COVID we are entering a twilight scenario of...
Magical thinking (about Zoom)
Since the onset of the pandemic, most people have been forced to put their lives on hold or online. Work, education, entertainment, exercise—almost...
Do you believe in Magic?
Magician Mark Mitton explores how magical thinking (or, at least, a magician’s thinking) can help us through this crisis Mark Mitton is a magician...
Opinion: Long COVID
It is time for society to bite the bullet and accept that SARS CoV 2, the virus that causes COVID, is here to stay. It has become an endemic...
Looking for a New Normal (or something like it)
We live at a time of pandemic, recession, growing doubts about the future and form of capitalism, challenges to democracy, shifts in global power. ...
Democracy Now?
“I have never been in my whole life as worried as I was on that day…about whether or not we could survive as a democracy. I think we're as divided...
“A republic, if you can keep it”
Congressman Gephardt, a Democrat, firmly believes America needs bipartisanship to cope with the divisive spirits that are tearing at the country....
Lines in the sand
“There are more red lines right now, more lines between countries, between ideologies, between peoples than have ever really existed at any single...