Venezuela has been in a death spiral for years. The country have been devastated by political repression and economic depression; its people suffer...
Speaking Freely
“Free speech is counterintuitive…That's why we have it as part of the Bill of Rights. We have to have courts that stop the government and the...
Do you believe in Magic?
Our world is a mess. Pandemic, recession, accelerating climate change, refugees frustrated in their search for better lives, political frustration...
When is too much freedom too much?
Lee C. Bollinger, President of Columbia University, is widely considered one of America's leading legal scholars on freedom of speech and has...
The (non) Future of Europe
“I don't see us Europeans taking hold of our future…technologically and economically we are totally torn up between United States and China. We may...
“Expect to have very violent reactions after the pandemic”
Pierre Lellouche worries that bad is likely to get worse. Listen as he discusses how Europe got stuck between the United States and China, the...
Persian Delights; Persian Dangers
“After all of these years of sanctions and containment…is it not time to stop wondering when the Islamic Republic is going to fall and instead think...
Iran’s Annus Horribilis
2020 was an awful year for Iran. A year that started with the assassination of the country's widely popular, leading general ended with the...
Hiding in plain sight
“One of the worst things you can give to the human brain is chronic uncertainty. And the name of the game since March 2020, is uncertainty.” — Mike...