According to the United Nations, approximately 10% of people on the planet are undernourished, while 30% lack year-round, reliable access to...
Searching for New Leaders
Great leaders may or may not be born that way, but their skills and abilities certainly evolve and mature over time. That is why we established an...
Looking For—and Finding—Real Leaders
The only hope for a world awash in troubles is that leaders with vision, universal values, and determination will seize the moment. But just...
What does it take to be a leader today?
Watch the interactive, virtual celebration of the 2021 Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize winners. The program combines interviews with...
Give Peace a Chance (this time in the Middle East)
Listen as Ambassador Dina Kawar parses the possibilities, good and bad, in the Middle East Ambassador Dina Kawar was appointed as Ambassador...
Save the Seas
Do you care about the future of the oceans? Can we save the oceans? Oceanographers Sylvia Earle from the US and Asha de Vos from Sri Lanka talkes...
Cyber Defenders: Protecting Human Rights Online
Ronald Deibert is fighting back against digital predators to protect citizens and civil society. Listen as Ron explains how Citizen Lab does the...
China: On the Road to Perdition?
Is China’s leadership acting out of strength or weakness? Is war possible? Is war avoidable? Listen as Kevin Rudd assesses where China is today, and...
Meet the 2021 Winners
Asha de Vos and Tero Mustonen awarded 2021 Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson global leadership prizes. Pashtana Durrani and Christian Ntizimira named in the...