On June 11, 2024, renowned arbornaut Meg Lowman captivated an audience with a compelling presentation on the power of trees. The event, hosted by...
Workshops and Conversations
Workshop: Thinking About Sustainability
One of the most over-used, and under-defined words in conversations about the challenges generated by climate change is undoubtedly...
Webinar: Closing the Migrant Education Gap
Watch the Tällberg conversation ‘Closing the Migrant Education Gap’. An expert panel, including Caroline Kronley, President of the Tinker...
The Tällberg Foundation launched its new mentoring program during 25-28 January 2024, at the University of Pavia. Tällberg Leaders Mentoring Leaders...
Leadership in a World, Disrupted
In June, 2023, the Tällberg Foundation and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) organized a gathering of past winners and honorees of the...
Winners Celebrations
The celebration of six extraordinary leaders with the courage, wisdom, creativity and values to operate in--and try to improve--a global world beset...
The U.S. Midterms: What happened? What next?
The US elections are (almost) over. Now the United States and the world can look forward to a divided government, another Trump campaign, a...
Webinar: The Future of Europe at a Time of Crisis
Did you miss the webinars? Here you can watch Part I and Part II *** Part I was recorded on October 27 with speakers, Jakob Hallgren, the Director...
The Great Restart
The Tällberg Foundation hosted a workshop in Vamvakou, Greece on May 7 - 8, 2022. The workshop program centered on two full days of conversation...