The 21st Century is quickly evolving into an era defined by global disruption, as socio-economic changes and groundbreaking technological...
This is a Tällberg Foundation production. The film was first shown at the Tällberg workshop in Tangier: Can we Bend the Arc in the Age of Migration?...
Can we Bend the Arc in the Age of Migration?
In March, 2016 the Tällberg Foundation convened a workshop on the Greek island of Lesvos to explore the dynamics of mass migration under the flag of...
Alternative Futures
We are organizing a series of one day meetings at various labs and companies around the world, with a view to understanding some of the disruptive...
Polarization in the 21st Century: YOU’RE WRONG! (and I am right)
Social and political polarization is a new (or at least, dramatically intensifying) force that is having a huge impact on political discourse,...
Honoring Jan Eliasson
Stockholm Sweden and New York, U.S.—October 23, 2017 The Tällberg Foundation today announced that it is naming its leadership prize in honor of the...
Winners of the Eliasson Global Leadership Prize
The Tällberg Foundation Announces Winners of its Eliasson Global Leadership Prize Mr. Alonso, an architect, co-founder and executive director of...
Leadership in the 21st Century
Leadership in the 21st Century: “The times, they are a-changin’ ” November 28-29, 2017 New York, USA It’s been more than half a century since Bob...
Future rhymes
Mankind is confronted by profound changes: in our planet, in how societies organize and function, in increasingly worn-out institutions, in the...