What Is the Future of Democracy?

Mar 5, 2020

Are the Western democracies the model to emulate for non-Western countries or do they require different models? Do democracies sufficiently represent all their constituents? How are minorities protected?

In our second episode of the Tällberg Foundation Podcast, we listen in on a panel conversation addressing these questions.

Kenneth Lusaka (The Rt. Hon. Speaker of the Senate, Parliament of the Republic of Kenya), David Sperling (Research Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Strathmore Governance Centre; Kenya ) and Ulrika Karlsson (Special Advisor on Global Health, Inter-Parliamentary Union) recently discussed some of these questions within the scope of “New Thinking for a New World.” The discussion was facilitated by Maarten Koets, a board member of the Tällberg Foundation.

The panel conversation took place at the Tällberg Workshop in Nairobi in November of 2019.

Listen to the episodes here or find us on a podcast platform of your choice (ItunesSpotifyAcastStitcherLibsyn, etc).


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