Unpacking a Tällberg Workshop: Hopes, Concerns and Red Threads

Mar 5, 2020

Our initial podcast was recorded in Nairobi, Kenya, after a Tällberg Workshop. Three members of the Tällberg Foundation community reflect on “New Thinking for a New World.”

Our initial podcast was recorded in Nairobi, Kenya, after a Tällberg Workshop. Three members of the Tällberg Foundation community reflect on “New Thinking for a New World.” Optimism or pessimism about the future may have less to do with facts, and more to do with filters: young or old, local or global, African or western.

Participating in the conversation are Tällberg Foundation board member Mark Abdollahian (CEO, ACERTAS and Professor, Claremont Graduate University, US) and Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leadership Prize jury member Vishakha Desai (Senior Advisor for Global Affairs to the President of Columbia University) and it is moderated by Tällberg Foundation’s chairman Alan Stoga.

Listen to the episodes here or find us on a podcast platform of your choice (ItunesSpotifyAcastStitcherLibsyn, etc).

1 Comment

  1. Susan M Brearley

    It was a Juan Enriquez talk that inspired me to locate your web site and posts here. Thank you for it all. I intend to listen to every podcast. I would like to be a part of these conversations as I build my life’s capstone project and envision a better future for us all.


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