Macron’s dilemma: European sovereignty or alienating allies? Former French politician Pierre Lellouche analyzes Macron’s blunders and their impact...
The crisis of democracy and governance
Walking Blues
Imagine walking 2,000 miles from Honduras to the southern U.S. border, risking robbery, assault, even murder. Why do so many take the risk?...
Slouching Towards Texas (If Not Bethlehem)/ Amelia Frank-Vitale
Anthropologist Amelia Frank-Vitale discusses what it takes to walk from Honduras to Texas, and the tragedies along the way. Human history is a long...
Israel’s Point of No Return
Israel’s domestic crisis has only intensified since we published our podcast with journalist Neri Zilber on March 16. More protests, more violence,...
Needed: New Thinking about Africa’s Debt Burden / Bright Simons
Debt and mismanagement are hindering Africa's enormous potential despite its young, optimistic population and growing middle class. Hear from...
Is Israel Heading Over a Cliff? / Neri Zilber
Listen to a conversation with Neri Zilber is, journalist and analyst who focus on Israel's - and more generally Middle Eastern - politics and...
Everything Old Is New Again / Francesco Svelto
Building the University of the Future on an Ancient Foundation. Francesco Svelto, Rector of the University of Pavia, shares his vision for Pavia...
Looking for Real Justice: Sam Muller and Hiil
“All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.” Article 7, Universal Declaration of Human...
Looking for Justice, One Person at a Time / Sam Muller
Sam Muller and his colleagues at HiiL are in the business of building “people-centered justice” that works for everyone. 2023 looks likely to be a...