The Board of the Tällberg Foundation is establishing a community of global leaders who are committed to exploring the challenges facing humanity and...
Global leadership and universal values
Civilization, Interrupted
Written by Alan Stoga, Chairman, Tällberg Foundation “The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. Every living...
Grappling With the Unknown
In this week’s episode of the Tällberg Foundation Podcast, we listen to a conversation between Anne Goldfeld, Faustin Linyekula, and Saul Griffith...
Brain Guys
Q. What do hydra polyps, mice and Columbia University neuroscientist Rafael Yuste have in common? A. The Tällberg Foundation Rafa, a 2018 winner of...
Unpacking a Tällberg Workshop: Hopes, Concerns and Red Threads
Our initial podcast was recorded in Nairobi, Kenya, after a Tällberg Workshop. Three members of the Tällberg Foundation community reflect on “New...
What will the world look like in 2030?
Welcome to the 2020s! “Three things are true at the same time. The world is much better, the world is awful, the world can be much better.” Max...
Names of the Dead
Three of the intertwined strands of DNA that standout in the Tällberg Foundation’s genetic make-up are learning through conversation, leveraging...
Tällberg Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya
Tällberg in Kenya – New Thinking for a New World The Tällberg Foundation, launched in 1981, exists to provoke thinking—and action based on thinking—...
Shaping the Future
On April 11 at 6:30 pm at the Italian Academy, Columbia University in New York the Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leadership Prize winners Nicolas...