Names of the Dead

Dec 14, 2019

Her performance opened our workshop on November 13 when she read three works: Names of the Dead, A woman’s body parts, and We leave our house to go home.

Three of the intertwined strands of DNA that standout in the Tällberg Foundation’s genetic make-up are learning through conversation, leveraging cultural experiences to deepen understanding, and engaging with the natural world. The result, sometimes by design and often by accident, is a kind of experiential learning that engages the intellect as well as the emotions. That process and that outcome define Tällberg’s core identity—and was recently on display at our “New Thinking for a New World” workshop.

Only a few dozen nomads from the Tällberg world were able to come to Kenya, which is part of the reason we documented much of what happened there and are sharing a range of videos, newsletters, and podcasts with you. We hope not only that you will get a flavor of the richness of the Kenya meetings, but also that you will have an opportunity to engage substantively with the ideas that were discussed there. They will form our substantive agenda in the coming months.

One element of the program was a reading by the celebrated Kenyan poet Sitawa Namwalie of several of her poems. Her performance opened the workshop on November 13 when she read three works: Names of the Dead, A woman’s body parts, and We leave our house to go home. In the spirit of sharing, the first of those wonderful narratives follows.


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