Looking for a New Normal (or something like it)

Feb 4, 2021

We live at a time of pandemic, recession, growing doubts about the future and form of capitalism, challenges to democracy, shifts in global power.  

Sandra Breka is Member of the Board of Management of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, one of the major foundations in Europe. Since joining the Board of Management, she spearheaded the foundation’s strategic realignment. Her portfolio includes the foundation’s work on Global Issues with a focus on Climate Change, Democracy, Immigration Society, Inequality, Migration and Peace as well as Strategic Partnerships and the Robert Bosch Academy.

Before joining the foundation in 2001, Sandra Breka served as Program Director at the Aspen Institute Berlin after an assignment with the American Council on Germany in New York. After studies in Germany, France and the United States, she obtained her M.A. at Columbia University in New York. She was a Yale World Fellow in 2008.

Sandra Breka is a Member of the European Council on Foreign Relations as well as the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the European Endowment for Democracy. She serves on the Munich Security Conference Board of Trustees, the Board of the Mercator Institute for China Studies and the Executive Committee of the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung and the European Foundation Center Governing Council


“I think the new normal is, first of all, all of us have to stop and reevaluate what we are doing and how we’re doing it.” 

— Sandra Breka

We live at a time of pandemic, recession, growing doubts about the future and form of capitalism, challenges to democracy, shifts in global power. The response of many if not most organizations, public as well as private, is to hunker down and try to survive. But some are embracing the challenges and opportunities of profound change. That certainly describes the Robert Bosch Stiftung, one of Europe’s most important private philanthropies which works in areas ranging from health care to climate to migration and well beyond.

Under the leadership of Sandra Breka and others, the Foundation recently rethought, rebooted and relaunched its operations—surfing, rather than fleeing from the forces released by shifting tectonic plates. Listen as she discusses how they fared and what kind of world she and her colleagues hope to help shape.

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