
Oct 8, 2020

General H.R. McMaster, a highly decorated U.S. military officer, discusses how he believes the U. S. and like-minded countries can maneuver through today’s complicated global realities to produce peace and prosperity for their citizens.

H. R. McMaster is the Fouad and Michelle Ajami Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. A native of Philadelphia, McMaster graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1984. He served as an Army officer for thirty-four years and retired as a Lieutenant General in 2018. He remained on active duty while serving as the 26th Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. McMaster taught history at West Point and holds a PhD in history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Do you think we live in a world that is increasingly dangerous, full of not just Great Power competitors, but potential enemies? A world of winners and losers, where conflict and even war are possible?

Such a world is described by General H.R. McMaster, a highly decorated U.S. military officer, former national security advisor and historian in his most recent book, Battlegrounds. In this episode of New Thinking for a New World he discusses with host Alan Stoga how he believes the United States and like-minded countries can maneuver through today’s complicated global realities to produce peace and prosperity for their citizens.

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  1. Katherine Pettus

    The military metaphors and narrative perpetuate a patriarchal narrative that is not helpful for building sustainable societies. Contrast it with the Holy Father’s new encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” a completely different vision.

  2. Eman Elbadawi

    Yes conflict and even war are possible; losers are those for war; winners are those for peace and prosperity; we have to win …


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