The Tällberg Foundation explores pressing societal issues. Today, we face profound challenges as our familiar world undergoes rapid and potentially dystopian transformations. However, there are still forces for good that require revitalization. This is why the Foundation is laser-focused on leadership. Great leaders can bend the arc of history.
We made it; we broke it; we can fix it.
What’s New
Israeli’s Divided House / Naty Barak & Liora Hadar
Israel is at war, and not just with Hamas, Iran, the Houthis, and their fellow travelers. Israeli’s most dangerous war may be with itself. That was certainly true before October 7th, and it’s still true. Back then the streets were full of protesters opposing Prime...
Middle East Tinderbox, Houthi Edition / Allison Minor
The Middle East is a war zone with Gaza as ground zero. But barely a day goes by when there isn't also fighting in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Israel, the Red Sea, or elsewhere. The danger is that one of these battles could suddenly ignite a bigger conflict...
The Next World War? / Philip Zelikow
War in Ukraine. Fighting in Gaza, and across the Middle East. Risky air naval incidents in the South China Sea. Worries about a potential Taiwan conflict. All of it wrapped in visibly growing tensions between China and Russia on the one hand, and the United States and...
Working Across Borders
and Across Disciplines
If we are imaginative enough to make new connections, to see new pathways, or to look at the familiar from different perspectives, then the Tällberg Foundation conversations will have lasting value. And even better if they inspire new action.
Our Initiatives
We aim to contribute to the new thinking —and new acting— required by this moment in history.
Tällberg’s work program focuses on understanding how to re-inject ethics into leadership; re-establish the legitimacy of governance; and manage, instead of being managed by, disruptive technologies, climate change, mass migration and other phenomena. We seek new thinking for a new world.
Workshops and Webinars
Tällberg conversations aim to provoke “New Thinking” in part by convening people who are deeply knowledgeable as well as people who are deeply curious, all of whom are more concerned with finding new insights than with reinforcing conventional wisdom.
New Thinking for a New World Podcasts
Follow us around the world and listen to conversations on the issues that are changing the global scenario.
Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prizes
Given annually to outstanding leaders from any country and any discipline whose work is innovative, optimistic, courageous, rooted in universal values and global in implication.
Tällberg Leaders Mentoring Leaders
Identifying and nurturing emerging leaders with outsized potential, leveraging the our global network to accelerate their growth as impactful leaders.
Connect with the Tällberg Foundation on Social Media
Who helps make this possible?
Lead Supporter
theteAbout the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF)
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) is one of the world’s leading private, international philanthropic organizations, making grants to nonprofit organizations in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and sports, and social welfare. SNF funds organizations and projects worldwide that aim to achieve a broad, lasting, and positive impact for society at large, and exhibit strong leadership and sound management. The Foundation also supports projects that facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships as an effective means for serving the public welfare.
Since 1996, the Foundation has committed more than $3.7 billion through over 5,400 grants to nonprofit organizations in more than 130 countries around the world.
Learn more at SNF.org.