Sam Muller

Global Leaders Workshop in Athens, Greece  | June 23-25, 2023

Sam Muller

As a UN and later ICC official I saw the effects of conflict and wars. These situations show when systems designed to protect human dignity don’t work. Some of what I saw was extreme, I know. But I carry it with me to keep myself focused on what matters: effective justice systems that support human dignity, every day, for everyone.

The truth is: they don’t deliver what is needed. The prevention and resolution of justice problems must significantly improve. Justice systems must and can offer much more value than they do now. My father worked on public health systems. They are my example: access to health and the quality of prevention and curing is constantly improving. Access to justice is not.

So that is my mission: supporting those that lead and manage justice systems and supporting justice innovators to deliver more and better and, as they do, to make the system itself one that is able to constantly improve and innovate. The movement I am part of calls it people centred justice.