A Virtual Film Screening of the Long Walk of Carlos Guerrero and a Panel Discussion on November 5, 2024 Mass migration of people in search of better...
The crisis of democracy and governance
“It’s a puzzling election”
Three-quarters of American voters think their country is headed in the wrong direction; half of all voters have unfavorable opinions about the two...
America’s Unhappy Choice / Scott Miller
Once again, Americans are getting ready for a presidential election that is widely described as the most important in their lifetimes. That may or...
Israeli’s Divided House / Naty Barak & Leora Hadar
Israel is at war, and not just with Hamas, Iran, the Houthis, and their fellow travelers. Israeli’s most dangerous war may be with itself. That was...
Politicians, Cartels, Murders, Oh My! / Chris Dalby
Politics in Mexico has long been a blood sport: not only “winner takes all,” but also incredibly violent. Last month’s national elections—when the...
France Lurches Right / Alice Barbe
Much to everyone’s surprise, France’s President Macron recently decided that—like much of the rest of the world—his country ought to have national...
India Votes! / Vishakha Desai
Like everything else about India, its democracy is complicated. Recent parliamentary elections—more than 640 million people voted (roughly...
Can War Produce Peace?
“Let us not cast blame on the murderers. For eight years, they have been sitting in the refugee camps in Gaza and before their eyes we have been...
War Lessons / Armin Rosen
Almost seven months ago, Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel murdering, raping, and kidnapping. In response, Israel launched its attack on Gaza...