On June 11, 2024, renowned arbornaut Meg Lowman captivated an audience with a compelling presentation on the power of trees. The event, hosted by...
Deal of the Century? / Neil Quilliam
It’s been an amazing, terrifying eight months in the Middle East. The horror of October 7th; the endless pounding of Gaza ever since; civilian...
Truth, and Nothing But / Eliot Higgins
We live in a world where facts are everywhere, recorded and shared ubiquitously. That ought to make this an era where arguments, journalism, and...
Can War Produce Peace?
“Let us not cast blame on the murderers. For eight years, they have been sitting in the refugee camps in Gaza and before their eyes we have been...
War Lessons / Armin Rosen
Almost seven months ago, Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel murdering, raping, and kidnapping. In response, Israel launched its attack on Gaza...
Re-thinking Education for Migrant Children
We live in an era of mass migration. Millions of people and families are on the move, driven by conflict, natural disasters, insecurity, and lack of...
Workshop: Thinking About Sustainability
One of the most over-used, and under-defined words in conversations about the challenges generated by climate change is undoubtedly...
SPOTLIGHT: “tis the mind that makes the body rich”
What do Shakespeare, neuroscientist Rafa Yuste, and human rights lawyer Jared Genser have in common? They all believe that our brains make us human....
Things Are Never So Bad They Can’t Get Worse… / Nabil Fahmy
Both of the following statements are true: The surprise October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was brutal, outrageous, inhumane, and far outside the...